General Questions
What is a Furilla?
Furilla is the nick nam first given to the child born to to Luis and Pilar Furarro by the ir Geneticist/OB, GYN , Dr, Marcus Galvez. Fully human and completely covered in rich body hair with a single eye …, This is a long story , buy the book and learn it all!
Is Furilla for children or adults?
Furilla is for humans over 3 yrs old.
Can I let my dog play with Furilla?
No. Furillas all have a flexible skeleton inside that might be a choking hazard if your dog shreds your Furilla’s furry skin.
Are Furilla's washable?
Hand washable with mild soap and water, Air dry.
My Furilla's Package reinflated Is my Furilla OK?
Your Furilla will be fine, The Furilla Life Support System is similar to an ECMO
system (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) with the added benefit of providing nutrients via a an orally placed removable feeding tube. Nutrients are perfectly tuned to each Furilla so there is no waste.
The Liquid Nutrient Formula includes a natural mild sedative to keep your Furilla in a pleasant dream state while packed.
My Furilla has a rectum. is this normal?
Some Furillas do include a rectum, you are lucky to have this more special Furilla friend.
My Furilla lost his eye.
Furillas have heightened senses, better than us “regulars”. He or she will be fine or we can send you a new eye.
Please buy 2 stickers in the Furilla store and leave note saying you need an eye.